...because no one is talking about FAILING.
I'll keep it short...
I was contacted by an old co-worker whom I had fun with during our workdays together. He kept expressing how excited he was to find me on social media and how proud he was of my accomplishments. He was so happy that I started going down my timeline to make sure that he was still talking about me.
Suddenly his delightful tone changed and he began speaking to me as if I didn't go through any rough patches to get to where he sees me now. I became offended because HE HAD NO IDEA WHAT I'D BEEN THROUGH! THE MANY TIMES THAT I'VE FAILED!
After that conversation and thoroughly going through my own timeline, I discovered that I highlighted every accomplishment possible. Then it hit me...HOW COULD HE KNOW THAT I FAILED IF I NEVER MENTIONED IT?!
That moment has now birthed this platform! Let's be honest... NO ONE wants to talk about their failures but WE NEED TO.
#wisdom_by_30 on INSTAGRAM